Why haven’t I received my payout yet?

After you “Request payout”, your Cashback will be processed and deposited into your selected bank account/PayPal account within 3-5 working days. Under the “Payout” section in your Cashback summary, the status will be shown as “Processing”. Once payment has been made successfully, the status will be updated to “Paid”.

If you have not received your payout within the stipulated time, check that your payment details are correct. If your payment details are incorrect, please update your account with the correct information and update our Customer Service team here if you had already requested for a payout. You will not be required to “Request payout” again.

After you request a Withdrawal, your Payment will be processed and deposited into your selected bank account within the stipulated timeframe mentioned above.

Under the “Withdrawal History” section in your Cashback Overview, the status will be shown as “Processing”. Once payment has been made successfully, the status will be updated to “Paid”.

If you have not received your payout within the stipulated time, check that your payment details are correct. If your payment details are incorrect, please update your account with the correct information and update our Customer Service team if you had already requested for a payout.

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